Home » Obstacles » Courage to Continue

Courage to Continue

We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold
our original confidence firm to the end.
(Hebrews 12:12-13)

175 meters from the finish, searing pain shot down Derek Redmond’s right leg. He fell in agony to the ground, his Olympic dream over. To everyone’s amazement, he struggled to his feet, determined to finish the race. On one leg, he began to hop forward.

Suddenly, a man jumped from the stands. Pushing past the security guards, he ran to Derek and put his arm around the injured athlete. They crossed the finish line together. 65,000 fans stood and roared approval. Courage!

The man who helped him across the finish line? It was his father.

This Scripture encourages us to hold fast to confidence in Christ. Along the course of our race there are many obstacle, not the least is what Hebrews calls “the sin that clings so closely” (Hebrews 12.1).

It takes two things to continue. The first is courage. We may stumble, fall, suffer hurt and setback, but then we must get up again. If we can’t run, we can hop. Can’t hop? We crawl. Can’t crawl? God carries us.

The second thing we need is strength and that comes from God. “The spirit of Jesus Christ helps me,” says the Apostle Paul (Philippians 1:19). God is not distant. He is an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).

We may limp in pain part of the way, but with His help we continue. We arrive home at last. The cloud of witnesses roars (Hebrews 12:1).


Challenge: Are you injured? Fallen? Limping? In pain? It’s time for courage. Draw on God’s help.

Prayer: Father, the courage I need is more than I have. Put your arm around me today. Help me to continue.

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Guy Saffold

I’ve observed leaders for many years, always asking the question, “What should a person do to lead in more Christian ways?” It’s often not an easy question to answer in the midst of the day-to-day events that whirl around a leader. Here I explore some of the dilemmas and answers. I also post some devotional thoughts about the application of biblical teaching.